Last updated:
there!! Sup? My name is Appygirl's Smokey Mist. I'm the second hand Alpha
Female. It's actually better to be this than the alpha!! But anyway, you
can call me Smokey!! I've been put in charge of the My Petz section!! Well
we used to have it so you could see the catz or dogz but Appygirl lost
EVERYBODY in the computer crash so she's only got dogs right now. You can
read about all of us right here! Just scroll down to see!!
Alpha Male
Name: Appygirl's Prince of Danes/ Alpha
Call Name:
Sex: Male
Great Dane
Dame: none
Sire: none
Service: Yes
Very sweet dog! Great poser and breeder! Beautiful Babies!! If you want
to breed to a male Great Dane, this is the one!!
Alpha Female
Name: Appygirl's Princess of Spots/ Alpha
Call Name:
Sex: Female
Dame: none
Sire: none
Service: Yes
Very sweet loving dog. Good breeder and cute babies. Great poser!
Name: Appygirl's Master of the Spots/ 2nd Alpha
Call Name: Freckles
Sex: Male
Breed: Dalmatian
Dame: none
Sire: none
Breeding Service: Yes
Comments: Very sweet dog. Good
breeder with gorgeous pups! Good poser.
Name: Appygirl's Smokey Mist/ 2nd Alpha
Call Name: Smokey
Sex: Female
Breed: Great Dane
Dame: none
Sire: none
Breeding Service: Yes
Comments: Very stubborn!! She
WILL NOT breed. She does not have any children and wont fall in love. Other
than that very sweet. But if you want to breed to one of my female
Danes I suggest Fudge!!
Name: Appygirl's Lil' Penny/ 2nd Alpha
Call Name: Penny
Sex: Female
Breed: Dalmatian
Dame: none
Sire: none
Breeding Service: Yes
Comments: very sweet but shy!
Good breeder with cute pups.
Name: Appygirl's Chocolate Fudge/ 2nd Alpha
Call Name: Fudge
Sex: Female
Breed: Great Dane
Dame: none
Sire: none
Breeding Service: Yes
Comments: VERY VERY sweet. Great
breeder with darling pups. Great poser.
Name: Appygirl's Lil' Starlight
Call Name: Natalie
Sex: Female
Breed: Dane/Dal
Dame: Princess
Sire: Prince
Breeding Service: Not old enough
Comments: Very sweet and cute.
first born puppy of the new Starbound Petz. She is Daughter of the Alphas
so she has a lot of expectancy on her.
Name: Appygirl's Brownie Luver
Call Name: Brownie
Sex: Male
Breed: Great Dane
Dame: Fudge
Sire: Prince
Breeding Service: Not old enough
Comments: Very sweet and friendly
dog just like his mommy. Great poser and will prolly pass on his abilities
and looks!
Name: Appygirl's Keepin' it Simple
Call Name: Two-Tone
Sex: Female
Breed: Dalmatian
Dame: Penny
Sire: Freckles
Breeding Service: not old enough
Comments: Very sweet but timid
just like her mom. Very cute and will most likely pass on her good looks.
Name: Appygirl's Prince of Spots
Call Name: Spot
Sex: Male
Breed: Dalmatian
Dame: Princess
Sire: Freckles
Breeding Service: Not old enough
Comments: Very sweet and slightly
timid. A little cutie!! will hopefully pass on cuteness!!
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